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Friday, May 23, 2014

I tried using Pan Pastels today.  I love the softness of them but find edges really difficult.  I also found it almost impossible to keep or add the white highlights so I resorted to a white Uniball pen.  Hmmm?


  1. No matter what trouble you've had, it looks beautiful. I've tried pan pastels too, but have to admit I prefer my watercolors.

  2. A wonderful drawing. I love it. I've, too, discovered PanPastels recently, but for the moment, I just use them for backgrounds on cards and mixed media stuff. However, your drawing really inspires me - no matter what trouble you've had as Laila said.

  3. Beautiful work, I love the softness and diffusion of colors..and beautiful composition too, stunning work!
    Visiting from Dion's
    Victoria #5
